Tuesday, September 17, 2013

World unknown

I know I know, it's been a while since I posted last. I apologize for that. So much has been going on. It seems like it's always a whirl-wind.  My motivation and drive are still going strong. It's going strong in all directions. One should always have motivation and drive...... As long as it is positive and productive. 

  Do you ever have a moment or two ...... Or several ,that make you look around and wonder " who are these people" . I don't mean strangers in the world, that's too easy. I mean relatives. Who are the real people? The ones you grow up from a child seeing or the people you are able to see once you have gotten past the youth images? I know traumatic events create changes....... Sometimes those events are easy to see, sometimes you know the events and see the changes later. 

  As a mother, that has raised a child to "legal adult status" , I know that with the many levels of knowledge I carry with me ( how I was raised, my own life experiences, my experiences raising my now-adult child that is borderline personality and histrionic personality disorder diagnosed) I guess I just don't understand the surroundings my world is vastly changing into. I know the reasons. I know the explanations of reasoning behind each action of the players in my life. I guess the hard part is ......... Is that I see them. I pick up on them even when people think I don't . It is BECAUSE I know people that this happens. Do explanations justify actions? The human part......... The part with the feelings says no!!!! I will be good at what I do when I get my BA Degree in Psych. I can be objective. I am able to separate actions from emotions , I can identify that separation. I know it isn't personal. That's what my head tells me. My emotions work hard but sometimes remain human and find it hard not to take it personally when it is "family" especially when I was raised that family sticks together.  Well more than ever, especially since I have become an adult and mother with life experience in family, that family is  who you make it. There is family that will do one thing but act another out of obligated beliefs . Then there is family that always bounces back to have your corner........ And if one is lucky, those two may bend to meet in the middle and come together always unwavering. 

  I try hard to always make sure I think of others. All through life I have...... To the point that many friends and family have told me to think about me. So, when I feel to do something for me and to change something to make me happy, I get backlash that results in making me feel like I am selfish or my decisions in the way I do things or the way I Am is wrong. People don't HAVE to say things around me. I am able to pick up loud and clear on things that are not said to me ( directly  or at all) even if I can't pick up the translation , I will be able to pick up the positive or negative tone. I have had years of practice in my " prior life and world" and no I am not talking about "past lives". I was tired about 45 minutes ago......then 40 minutes ago I wasn't so much. School, Job, wedding/marriage , place of our own........ Alllll at the same time if I can manage it! At this point , need a place of our own just OUT OF respect and consideration FOR my family. Gonna try to get some sleep now. 6am comes very quickly once I actually get to sleep. Goodnight, for now.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Scanned: Over and Out

What a day. While my Fiance' and my mother were trying to take care of the cell phone ordeal; I was Chopping away at things I needed to scan for ancestry.com. Though I got quite a bit don, I didn't get as far into it as Ihad hoped I would. I finished scanning all of dad's stuff from the box. I got half way through my older brother's things when I realized that he was a bit more of an over-achiever than I had really remembered. My older brother, Tim, must have had like 10 awards per grade on average. I didn't actually do a count as I decided to call it a night with the scans. Thing is, I don't remember HIM being the studious one. I remember being more studious than him or Brandon (my younger brother) and yet it was Brandon (my younger one) that I remember being the one to have all these types of awards. It has been cool to go through these boxes and albums of memories. I haven't really touched the albums yet (well except when I did Mom's birthday gift slideshow this year). I will start that soon enough. For now, I am not trying to rush it. I am hoping to be able to acquire employment and income soon though. My Ancestry.com subscription is up in October. Not only do I want to continue it, but I would LOVE to upgrade it to being able to access the OVERSEAS records too. I have already tracked family into the Scotland area, but unable to access the records due to my "America Only" records acess membership. Also, my newest Psychology Today Magazine came in the mail. I got a 3 year subscription to that last Christmas. I am currently in college to get my BA in (Applied) Psychology. That is a field that is a major interest to me. My Career goal is to eventually become a Behavioral Specialist (of) Criminal & Social Psychology . I have no desire to JUST be only a counselor. I love reading my Magazine. It is so informative. Classes start back up YEAR 2 on Monday, so I only have 1 more day of my summer vacation left. FT student, FT mom, and I am STILL hunting for employment. Yes, i try to squeeze a life in there amongst all that too!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

FAMILY : It's history, lineage, and ancestry roots

My dad was an avid Family Tree researcher (as far as one of his hobby and interests). I guess I caught an interest in it pretty early on in life. As his illness weakened him more and more every day; he was unable to keep up with it like he used to. Having been the only one of his children that ever showed an interest in tracing our Family Tree; he asked if I would continue on with it after he passes on. Right then, I inherited his love of Family research. He passed away February 10' 2013. My birthday was a couple months later. My mom got me a subscription to: . I have been digging and searching. I have truly become fascinated with this art of researching family history. I have learned many of the ins and outs of it (like cross referencing and/or triple referencing). I have begun the pain-staking process of collecting and gathering memories from school work and grades to artwork and awards as well as pictures to post. I have found pictures of many relatives of the 1800's or earlier. What I truly love about this is, that its educational value is limitless. For one, you can look at it as history, sure! It is. These people aren't just the well known pieces of history that makes it into the school books; these people are FAMILY!! These people are "part of you" . THEIR story is sooo much more interesting BECAUSE it's so "normal" or "average". Regular people like you and me that made up the rest of THEIR world and helped to keep it runing smooth. To learn what they looked like through pictures or about their personalities through hand written recorded documents/scanned papers. So That is one of the sites I use frequently while working on my promise to my Dad. This morning I woke up and decided to try and make a dent in some more of the document scanning of my family. (It dawned on me in my research that, while I am researchin other family members', my family history needs to be recorded for future family members to be able to look me up and research.Evenings work better for me (as far as an activity like that). I don't have that nagging "things to do things to do" chant going off in my head. Ancestry.com is a RELAXING activity for me. I find it intriguing and educational. My daddy always said "Learn all you can when you can" . He always told us kids. Learn something new everyday so to Learn all you can when you can. So, This weekend I will putting some more hours on my Family History at Ancestry.com.

I'm Just MOM.......

4 days into the school year and "LET THE GAAAMES BEEEGINNNNN" . I don't DO good cop Bad cop. I NEVER promised to be the good/fun/likeable mom. I just promised to be mom. I have a harsh standing rule to the whole being "too sick to go to school" routine. If you aren't Broken, Bleeding, Burning or Throwing up...........you are going to school. Kids are GREAT at coming up with aches/hurts/ and problems that you can't see, hear or touch. SO, (due to past experiences) I had to lay down a firm rule. I keep it for both my children. I don't want one feeling they can start taking advantage of a situation over another. Apparently, My youngest didn't like the rules I had for her staying home from school over here(on her father's day). Daddy "decided to stay home" from work, thus keeping Hazel home with him (GASP) on HIS timeshare day. WELL, she got HER day off. Sorry, that's not me. I never promised to be the fun one. I just promised to be the responsible one that will make sure the girls are taken care of. Most of the Girls' track record of absences have always fallen on HIS days off. Just wanted to get that out there and out of my head. I feel better now. Thank you (for reading my vent).

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Beginning my Blog....New place to Voice out

So, My name is Stephanie Carter. I used to be quite the regular blogger on Myspace. I loved their setup up. The BLOG section was a PART of the Myspace profile set up. Facebook came along and the interactive newsfeed took over. Friends of mine, as well as myself, began to slow their blogging to a stop. I enjoyed blogging about my thoughts, my day to day activities, and occasional events of life. I really liked that it was attached to the social media site. Everything was all wrapped up into one neat package. Facebook has a NOTES area but it is a seperate section. Many blogging sites are seperate entities not connected with the ever-popular Facebook and other social medias (like Twitter) out there. I used to follow dozens of friends and strangers because I enjoy the realisms in their topic discussions. I had dozens and more following me for the same reason. So, This blogging , using a seperate site, is all new to me; Please be patient as I hammer out the dents and kinks while becoming accustomed to it. I look forward to interacting with my readers. Thank you!